

Attendance & Tardiness

Attendance Policy – for onsite school only

Each course will consist of ten (10) class sessions. We expect students to attend all classes, however, two (2) absences may be allowed in order to still receive a passing grade. Three (3) absences for any particular course may disqualify students from receiving graduation credit for that course. Attendance records will be kept by the Registrar.

Tardiness – for onsite school only

It is our desire that each class begins on time. To that end, a student is considered tardy once the instructor begins teaching the material. Two (2) tardies will be considered an absence. A tardy is also recorded when a student leaves class prior to dismissal by the instructor.




Years Established

Pursue Your Calling

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15